Our camps are like no other educational conference in the world as we provide entirely developed courses in various subjects and presentations on “how to teach” the courses with everything you need placed on a flash drive to take back to your school to teach with. Each of our presenters is a faculty member at an American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) accredited dental, dental hygiene and/or dental assisting school. Our presenters are competent, seasoned faculty members who are experts. Their course materials are evidence based as they have demonstrated their effectiveness through CODA site visits and national and state board exams. While we encourage sharing of ideas, which may be theoretical if offered from novice attendees, our presenters are the experts and they critique the shared ideas to prevent the use of ideas that may not be in compliance with CODA. The courses and workshops offered in our camps are developed according to CODA standards. Workshops on how to write your self-study document for accreditation are also part of our camps. Faculty members from over 300 schools have attended our camps.
Schools may host a boot camp at their facility. This depends on the location of their school and its proximity to major airports, hotels and the need for workshops in the location. We also limit the number of camps offered per year, so contact us in advance if you want to plan to host a camp. If a school is able to offer online “zoom like”, workshops, THAT ARE NOT HANDS-ON can be offered online at those camps.
Instruction videos on flash drive format provide instructors and students with step by step demonstrations on how to develop the skills in periodontal instrumentation. The videos are in accordance with the textbook “Periodontal Instrumentation and Advanced Root Instrumentation” by Jill S. Gehrig.
The video titles are:
Precision in Periodontal Instrumentation (2nd Edition)
A Focus on Fulcrums
The DH Clinic Key is an encrypted flash drive that includes both of the above mentioned videos as well as patient assessment quick references and dental hygiene national board review presentations for both instructors and students. Calibration videos for meeting CODA standards have been added to the Key.
The Sharpening Horse is a fixture for sharpening periodontal instruments. It is the only evidence based method of sharpening instruments to a factory finished cutting edge. The Sharpening Horse is sold as a kit that includes the fixture, a ceramic stone and test sticks. The kits are sold to dental hygiene students as part of their instrument kit and they are also sold to dental offices and clinics.
The Diamond Pony is a fixture shaped like the Sharpening Horse but instead of using a stone, the Pony is coated with a diamond finish for sharpening periodontal instruments. The same evidence based technique of sharpening is used with The Diamond Pony. It lasts 2 years and it unbreakable, autoclavable and easier to use since there is no stone movement. It is the easiest sharpening method.
TalEval Computerized Grading System is a web based encrypted software for clinical grading and program outcomes assessments. Cynthia Biron, President of DH Methods of Education designed the grading method and outcomes assessment tools and partnered with Connie Harper of America’s Software, Inc. to convert the design into a computerized software. Connie Harper of America’s Software provides technical support for each school’s database and Cynthia Biron provides consulting services at schools who wish to have additional training with the TalEval system.
In-Services at Your College
We do provide consulting services and calibration workshops at colleges. Please contact Cindy to arrange for an in-service at your college: Cindy@DHmethEd.com or 904 556-1406
Our camp presenters cannot provide course materials from our camps at your school independently. Please do not contact individual camp presenters to do this as they are prohibited to do this according to legal contract and our company policy.
We now have a double-sided Diamond Card to use with the Sharpening Horse!
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