17. How to Teach Ultrasonic Instrumentation: Fundamentals to Furcations (3 ceu’s) Friday, July 25, 1:15-4:15 PM
Course Presenter: Marianne Dryer, RDH, M Ed
This is a hands-on workshop with instruction in how and when to introduce ultrasonic instrumentation into the curriculum, along with teaching techniques to familiarize students with both magnetostrictive and piezo technology. Participants will learn the fundamental principles of ultrasonic instrumentation: grasp, adaptation, angulation and activation strokes on a variety of patient/deposit types.
Participants will be guided though methodologies to teach the different stokes i.e. biofilm removal vs calculus removal and these fundamental principles will then be applied to advanced instrumentation in the periodontal patient with focus on furcation involvement and areas of challenging anatomical access.
Text books referenced:
“Ultrasonic Periodontal Debridement: Theory and Technique: 2nd Edition,
By authors Marie D. George , Dani Botbyl , Timothy G. Donley, and Philip M. Preshaw.
“ Fundamentals of Periodontal Instrumentation and Advanced Root Instrumentation” by author, Jill S. Gehrig.
Our Policy:
Requests for cancellations must be received at least 2 weeks prior to the camp date (July 7, 2025). However, for cancellations received after this deadline, if the cancellation is made prior to the class start date and time, 75% of the tuition may be applied toward future camps. Tuitions for no-shows will be forfeited NO EXCEPTIONS.
DH Methods of Education, Inc. is not responsible for reimbursement of non-refundable airline tickets and any other travel expenses due to missed flights (delays, cancellations weather related or otherwise) or if the course is cancelled. Course flash drives will ONLY be given out to those who attend the courses. Those who miss class for any reason will not be given the course flash drive.
A word about our course flash drives and materials.
completing the “How to Teach” subject specific course. This is our policy since ownership of the course flash drive and materials copyright agreement and course certification are proof to CODA that the recipient did indeed attend the methodology classroom session. Having the materials alone could be misconstrued as meeting Standard 3-7 since CODA usually recognizes our course materials and associates them with the face to face instruction that demonstrates compliance with the standard. The materials belong to the college or university that pays the tuition, not the attendee.